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Keeping pulse on Digital Transformation
news and industry insights

Combating Ransomware

Combating Ransomware

Storage Integrity vs. Ransomware  Standard storage with standard file systems are being attacked by Ransomware every day.  Will you be ready when they get in? Responding to ransomware attacks require advanced planning and methodology for recovering lost data....

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Question: Is Returned Mail a Record?

Question: Is Returned Mail a Record?

UAA; Unknown address, return to sender, no forwarding address. What is your company doing with your returned mail? Is it stacking up behind reception?  Stuck in an unused office? Thrown out? Do you keep paying postage for correspondence that you know is going to...

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Every Business Has Cash Management Needs

Every Business Has Cash Management Needs

Accounts Payable often has opportunity to reduce the overall cost if early pay discounts can be taken. The first wave of technology digitized paper invoices at the time of capture so that AP staff could be working from a digital copy and not paper, then Optical...

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Preserving the Record Wherever it’s Created

Preserving the Record Wherever it’s Created

Facebook... Instant messages... Twitter...LinkedIn...Email... wiki’s….blogs…daily electronic newsletters…instant update….Instagram…..YouTube.  Aids to productivity, or workplace distractions? SmartPhones….Tablets…..USB drives….Cloud storage. Aids to productivity, or...

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Records, Risk and Robots

Records, Risk and Robots

The more records you store, the greater the likelihood that your data will be stolen or hacked. Destroying sensitive documents and files can reduce the chances that you or your company’s employees and customers will become identity theft victims. Most business owners,...

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Client Success

We’ve worked with industry leaders
to drive efficiency and results

“Today, the majority of files pass through our system with minimal human intervention. We have achieved full straight-through processing for 30 percent of all documents, while another 50 percent go through with minimal touch.”

Todd Estabrooks

Senior Departmental Information Systems Analyst, Santa Cruz County

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