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news and industry insights

Say It, Do It, Prove It – Information Management

Say It, Do It, Prove It – Information Management

My name is Cheryl Ahrens Young  and in my 40 years in the industry, I’ve earned certifications in information governance – CDIA+, APMD, CIP, CTT+, ERMM, ECMP, IGP as well as project management – CPM, CSM, CSPO. I have spoken at ARMA, AIIM, ALA, LegalTech, and DRCA. ...

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Texts are Records?!

Texts are Records?!

Were you surprised that the Secret Service’s cellphone texts are considered records, and that Alex Jones’ text messages were included in a responsive document set?  If so, a refresher on what a business record is may be in order.   A business record is recorded...

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Client Success

We’ve worked with industry leaders
to drive efficiency and results

“Today, the majority of files pass through our system with minimal human intervention. We have achieved full straight-through processing for 30 percent of all documents, while another 50 percent go through with minimal touch.”

Todd Estabrooks

Senior Departmental Information Systems Analyst, Santa Cruz County

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