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Keeping pulse on Digital Transformation
news and industry insights

Western Integrated Systems Launches New Imaging Center

Western Integrated Systems Launches New Imaging Center

With more than 40 years as a trusted digital transformation partner, Western Integrated Systems is launching a new imaging center with its headquarters in Fairfield, CA. The division will be led by Stan Ford, who was the President of Controlled Information Systems...

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Fundamentals of Records Retention

Fundamentals of Records Retention

WHAT IS A RETENTION SCHEDULE? A records retention schedule is the cornerstone of an effective information governance program. It is a policy document that defines an organization's legal, operational, historical and compliance recordkeeping requirements, regardless of...

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Common Problems Series: File Boxes with Unknown Content

Common Problems Series: File Boxes with Unknown Content

The reality is that many organizations and most law firms that have been around for any significant period of time, find themselves with large volumes of disorganized and often completely unidentifiable legacy material that is an information risk. This is especially...

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What Makes Digital Transformation Successful?

What Makes Digital Transformation Successful?

70% of digital transformation projects fail... It’s a statistic you can't avoid when talking about digital transformation. But, when you dig in a little deeper, at least 50% of projects aren't necessarily failures; they just didn't have the transformational outcomes...

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Client Success

We’ve worked with industry leaders
to drive efficiency and results

“Today, the majority of files pass through our system with minimal human intervention. We have achieved full straight-through processing for 30 percent of all documents, while another 50 percent go through with minimal touch.”

Todd Estabrooks

Senior Departmental Information Systems Analyst, Santa Cruz County

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