Keeping pulse on Digital Transformation
news and industry insights
The 2021 MISAC Conference is Almost Here!
With more than 600 attendees expected, the 2021 MISAC conference will be held September 26-29. The conference features a 90-booth exhibit hall where IT vendors can educate government personnel on their goods and services. Western Integrated Systems (booth #104) will...
Three Reasons to Check Out PSIcapture
Still haven't set aside time to learn more about PSIGEN Software’s PSIcapture advanced capture and data extraction software? There’s no time like the present! Here are three reasons to consider speeding things up with PSIcapture -- an enterprise-class solution that’s...
Work from Home with PSIcapture!
As business has changed during this year, the working from home, or the remote workplace concept, has become a major focus of nearly every business throughout the world. The speed with which companies are changing their internal environments and processes is evolving...
Common Problem Series: File Boxes with Unknown Content
The reality is that many organizations and most law firms that have been around for any significant period of time have accumulated large volumes of disorganized and often completely unidentifiable legacy material. Simply put, that is an information risk, especially...
New Public Records Acts Increase Transparency Into Law Enforcement
While Californian's have maintained a right to access certain public information maintained by state and government agencies, some information has been inaccessible in the past. Two recent California laws, Senate Bill 1421 and Assembly Bill 748, expand the types of...
Records, Risk & Robots
The more records you store, the greater the likelihood that your data will be stolen or hacked. Destroying sensitive documents and files can reduce the chances that you or your company’s employees and customers will become identity theft victims. Most business owners,...
Do You Know Where Your Responsive Records Are? A 2021 Update
In our litigious society, organizations need to be mindful of what is driving the bottom line, but equally aware of what risks exists that could threaten the bottom line. The potential for a “should have known” preservation trigger has grown with the explosive...
It’s Almost Here! FileBound 8.0 Coming This Fall
The FileBound team has been hard at work reimagining core components of their system to keep up with rapidly evolving business trends. Version 8.0 is set to be released this fall, and will allow for more advanced capabilities and system customization. Some of the...
Southern California Municipality Chooses restorVault to Address Compliance, Ransomware & Storage Concerns
The Problem With seven million files of regulatory compliance data residing on their Enterprise Content Management System (ECM), this Southern California Municipality was running out of primary storage and had no viable cloud backup. Considering this particular...
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“Today, the majority of files pass through our system with minimal human intervention. We have achieved full straight-through processing for 30 percent of all documents, while another 50 percent go through with minimal touch.”
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