Keeping pulse on Digital Transformation
news and industry insights
Need a Trusted System? Worried About Ransomware? Running out of Data Storage? Meet restorVault
With the cost of storage soaring, compliance mandates looming and ransomware attacks becoming rampant--wouldn't it be nice if one solution could address all three? Meet restorVault. restorVault is ideal for any organization that is required to comply with regulatory...
What is a Digital Mailroom? How to Modernize Your Mail Process
In any organization, the response time, productivity and service quality of each department depends on the reliability and timely distribution of mail. Traditional mailrooms face high labor costs related to distributing and processing envelopes and packages, coupled...
Why Invoice/AP Automation? Justifying Your ROI
There are a variety of motivations that drive organizations to seek invoice/AP automation. Some of the warning signs can include burnt out employees, mountainous stacks of unpaid invoices, or processes stuck in quick sand. These red flags usually point to a manual,...
Historic Cyberattack Sends Shockwaves Through Software Industry
While many had the opportunity to rest, relax and recharge over the three-day holiday weekend, customers of software provider Kaseya were interrupted by the news of the largest ransomware attack on record—one that has affected close to 1,500 customers thus far. The...
ABBYY FlexiCapture for Invoices – Streamlining Document-Intensive Processes
Why ABBYY FlexiCapture? 1. Best-in-Class Accuracy Leverage ABBYY's award-winning, AI-driven recognition neural networks and machine learning technologies to provide unparalleled accuracy. FlexiCapture for invoices can locate invoice data within even the most...
ABBYY Timeline for FlexiCapture – Illuminating the Entire Lifecycle of Your Documents
ABBYY FlexiCapture has enabled organizations around the world to efficiently apply their business rules to document intake, distribution and storage at the time of receipt. By uniting state-of-the-art Natural Language Processing (NLP), machine learning and advanced...
Business Process Management 101 – Processes are not Industry-Specific
In August of 2015, National Public Radio reported on Toyota's charitable foundation’s partnership with a not-for-profit healthcare system. The decision raised many eyebrows, as some questioned whether an automobile manufacturer knew about healthcare operations. What...
How Safe Is Your Data?
Is Your Data Protected? According to a research study conducted by Deep Instinct, ransomware increased by as much as 435% in 2020 and continues to disrupt businesses of all sizes in 2021. Hackers are targeting all types of access points, from Android phones (up 263%)...
Cyber-Attacks: A Constantly Evolving Threat
Remember the game dominos? Hours of set-up, construction and design all destroyed when one pesky piece starts a chain reaction? While the game itself illustrates how one event can set off a chain of similar events, the domino effect is also used to describe causal...
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“Today, the majority of files pass through our system with minimal human intervention. We have achieved full straight-through processing for 30 percent of all documents, while another 50 percent go through with minimal touch.”
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