Companies are consolidating more than ever before to take advantage of “Joint Synergy” solutions. As an Information Manager, you need to take a proactive approach to assure company records are properly assessed, secured, transferred and protected, before, during and...
School Districts Are Becoming Frequent Targets for Ransomware Attacks
If one thing is becoming clear with the increasing frequency of ransomware attacks, it’s that the perpetrators like to strike when a victim is at their most vulnerable point. The latest victim, Los Angeles Unified School District (LAUSD), fits the bill for an emerging...
Texts are Records?!
Were you surprised that the Secret Service’s cellphone texts are considered records, and that Alex Jones’ text messages were included in a responsive document set? If so, a refresher on what a business record is may be in order. A business record is recorded...
Assembly Bill 1466 – Does Your County Have the Tools & Resources to be Compliant?
About AB-1466 Assembly Bill 1466 (AB-1466) was one of 31 housing-related bills passed back in September, 2021—a package that the Governor’s office stated was focused on “streamlining the building of new homes, breaking down barriers to build more affordable housing,...
“Paperless” Enterprise Initiative – What is Your Vision and are You Prepared?
During an ARMA meeting, held after hours at a newly renovated local museum, the docent on the tour told a story of the architect expressing his extreme displeasure at the sight of papers stacked on the museum staff’s desks. He reportedly said “There should be no...
Do You Know ARMA’s Generally Accepted Recordkeeping Principles?
As we get closer to the California Privacy Protection Act’s enforcement in January of 2023, organizations should look to The Principles of ARMA International to see if and how their Records and Information Programs are in compliance with CRPA. Published by ARMA...
Bear Markets Heighten Risk of Audit & Litigation
Why do Bear Markets increase the risk of litigation and audit? We've seen this play out before. When Wall Street was booming leading up to the housing and financial crisis of 2008, the U.S. financial system seemed sanguine, so regulators and investors saw little...
Hanlon’s Razor – Never Attribute to Malice That Which Can be Adequately Explained by Stupidity
Is your organization prepared to respond to a request to be forgotten by one of your customers? Did you know such a request is their right according to the European Union’s GDPR and California’s CCPA/CPRA? Is your organization prepared to provide all responsive...
Zettabytes! Oh No!
“While physical volume of records will continue to be reduced through greater and greater information packing density, the number of records grows faster than the rate of disposal, and the need for maintaining accuracy of information, effective indexing, correct...
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