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Why Invoice/AP Automation? Justifying Your ROI

Why Invoice/AP Automation? Justifying Your ROI

There are a variety of motivations that drive organizations to seek invoice/AP automation. Some of the warning signs can include burnt out employees, mountainous stacks of unpaid invoices, or processes stuck in quick sand. These red flags usually point to a manual,...

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How Safe Is Your Data?

How Safe Is Your Data?

Is Your Data Protected? According to a research study conducted by Deep Instinct, ransomware increased by as much as 435% in 2020 and continues to disrupt businesses of all sizes in 2021. Hackers are targeting all types of access points, from Android phones (up 263%)...

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Cyber-Attacks: A Constantly Evolving Threat

Cyber-Attacks: A Constantly Evolving Threat

Remember the game dominos? Hours of set-up, construction and design all destroyed when one pesky piece starts a chain reaction? While the game itself illustrates how one event can set off a chain of similar events, the domino effect is also used to describe causal...

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Vital Records – The Lifeline of Your Organization

Vital Records – The Lifeline of Your Organization

What is a Vital Record? A vital record is distinguished by its necessity to an organization's health. The word "vital" itself is derived from the Latin root "vita," which translates to "life." In other words, the "life" of your organization is often contingent upon...

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